Great Lakes drilling spills into Michigan Senate race

By Garrett Downs | 08/19/2024 01:37 PM EDT

Democrat Elissa Slotkin and her allies are targeting Republican Mike Rogers’ record on the contentious issue.

Mike Rogers (left) and Elissa Slotkin speak.

Former Michigan Republican Rep. Mike Rogers and current Democratic Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin are vying to replace retiring Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D). AP

Democrats looking for an advantage in Michigan’s critical Senate race are trying to revive the bitter battle over oil and gas drilling in the Great Lakes. Republicans say their argument is hogwash.

Democratic Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin is claiming her Republican opponent, former Michigan Rep. Mike Rogers, has a history of supporting drilling in the Great Lakes Basin.

Slotkin’s campaign and Democratic-aligned groups point to a series of votes throughout his decadeslong political career against bans on Great Lakes drilling.


“In Michigan, the Great Lakes are our heritage and protecting them is essential,” Slotkin’s spokesperson, Antoine Givens, told POLITICO’s E&E News.