Ex-adviser reflects on Biden’s environmental justice push

By Kevin Bogardus | 01/17/2025 01:48 PM EST

Robin Morris Collin served at the agency for two years and helped draft its guidance on “cumulative impacts.”

Robin Morris Collin

Robin Morris Collin was EPA senior adviser for environmental justice. Oregon Humanities Center/YouTube

Robin Morris Collin played a key role in President Joe Biden’s push to cement the pursuit of relief for communities long saddled with pollution.

She served as EPA’s senior adviser to the administrator for environmental justice for two years before leaving last February. In that role, she was instrumental in ensuring marginalized areas received federal aid and for developing guidance to embed environmental justice within the agency’s DNA.

“Environmental justice was raised to policy level at the highest level of the federal government, including EPA,” Morris Collin said in a recent interview with POLITICO’s E&E News.


The Willamette University law professor was already a legend in her field when she joined EPA. She was one of the first law professors to teach sustainability courses and the founding chair of Oregon’s Environmental Justice Task Force.